An Integral Approach to Whole Body Wellness
BioSync is an integral process that resolves physical and emotional trauma recorded over the course of a lifetime allowing the body to naturally heal.
This deep tissue somatic approach facilitates the removal of blockages in the body/mind. BioSync potentializes the physical body by releasing the stored or recorded trauma experienced by violence, accident, surgery, and work or sport related injuries. BioSync frees the emotional body and clears the mental body by releasing emotional wounds of hurt, anger, grief, and shock.
BioSync releases stored trauma patterns breaking the loop of dysfunction and provides the technology to restore the body to its true potential of whole body wellness!
In a society that feels that everything has to be cured quickly, we need an authentic healing process that dives deeper into the real reasons that the pain is there and why it continues to live on in our bodies. We need an integral way of healing that is healthy and helpful as well as proactive and preventative and BioSync is that helping hand to facilitate true healing.
To explain further, all of us over the course of our lives have stored trauma of some kind. Every stressful moment you’ve had, every negative emotion you’ve felt, every bad experience you’ve had is stored in some part of your body all the way down to the cellular level! It’s in your muscles, your connective tissue, your joints, and in your organs!
How Can We Help You?

This work is a hands on therapy that resolves the physical and emotional trauma that our body has recorded over the course of our lifetime. So, that argument we had with our spouse 15 years ago that is stored in our neck; or, the pain from a difficult divorce that caused our ulcer; or, that shoulder pain from an accident; and, even that recurring pain from an old injury is resolved.
How does this “resolution” happen? Well, when you store a painful trauma memory in some part of your body the tissue in that area shortens, thickens, and tightens. You may know that insurance actuaries state that most people shrink 4 to 6 inches in a lifetime! What BioSync does is unwind all of those areas that have been shortened, thickened, and tightened. As a result, the trauma memory is erased and the body naturally heals and restores healthy function.
The BioSync Philosophy
Is based on the assumption that the human body is a walking history of a person’s life, containing “recordings” of events which are experienced pre-birth and onward. These recordings include memories of trauma, resulting from either physical, emotional, or psychological insult or injury. Sources of these stressors include: genetic predispositions; acute macro-trauma or chronic micro-trauma; accumulation of negative thoughts; and the physical effects of aging.
As we experience insults and injuries, we begin to store and stack emotional and physical traumas. We are not our traumas yet most people live their entire lives through insult and injury – through the filter of emotional and physical traumas.
Unfortunately, the trauma of insults and injuries whether physical, mental, or emotional if left alone create a continuing loop of dysfunction. These trauma patterns, when left untreated, can show up as adverse health manifestations that can be as mild as a pinched nerve, sore neck, trick knee, anxiousness and nervousness or as extreme as a major illness and until these patterns are released they can continue to dominate and rule our lives.
BioSync resolves these external and internal challenges and facilitates the integration of the mind, body, and emotions ― reuniting us with our birthright of spirituality, dignity and grace ― providing the opportunity to enjoy a pain free whole body expression of wellness and well being!
Thoughts, Feelings, Behaviors Affect Ability to Heal
Do you have a high stress or physically challenging job? Do you have a sleepless baby, an asthmatic child, a troubled teenager, an anxious spouse, a troubled relationship, a demanding boss, or elderly parents?
At a certain stage in our lives we all begin to question how destructive patterns of behavior, habitual stress, persistent pain, chronic anxiety and inherited patterns of aging seriously inhibit our ability to lead happy, healthy, vital lives. As we experience insult and injuries, we begin to store and stack emotional and physical traumas.
The unfortunate result of these stressors is a continuing loop of dysfunction that when left untreated, can show up as adverse health manifestations that can be as mild as a pinched nerve, sore neck, trick knee, anxiousness and nervousness or as extreme as a major illness or disease and until these patterns are released they can continue to dominate and rule our lives.
BioSync is a proactive and preventative way to quickly and dramatically address these challenges resulting in restorative and lasting wellness. BioSync directly addresses stored trauma and provides a way to access and erase these stressors.
BioSync potentializes the physical body by releasing the stored or recorded trauma experienced by violence, accident, surgery, and work or sport related injuries. BioSync frees the emotional body and clears the mental body by releasing emotional wounds of hurt, anger, grief, and shock. BioSync releases these stored trauma patterns breaking the loop of dysfunction and provides the technology to restore the body to its true potential!
In a society that feels that everything has to be cured quickly, we need an authentic healing process that dives deeper into the real reasons that the pain is there and why it continues to live on in our bodies. We need an integral way of healing that is healthy and helpful as well as proactive and preventative and BioSync is that helping hand to facilitate true healing.
How Would Your Life Change If You Were Pain Free?
If you are seeking pain relief, you should know that every stressful moment you’ve had, every negative emotion you’ve felt, every painful injury you’ve experienced is stored in some part of your body all the way down to the cellular level. It’s in your muscles, your connective tissue, your joints, and in your organs!
Our body is a living history that keeps a record of every physical and emotional trauma or injury ever experienced. Releasing the knots and tangles of daily living is what brought you to this work! Letting go and facilitating the healing of these insults and injuries — is the very foundation of BioSync.
We are NOT our Traumas
Yet most people live their entire lives through insult and injury – through the filter of physical and emotional wounds – which, when left untreated, create a continuing loop of dysfunction. The human body is an amazing walking history of a person’s life, containing “recordings” of events which are experienced from infancy onward.
These patterns historically repeat themselves and again become insults and injuries to our physical and energetic bodies (this is the storing and stacking of trauma) and until they are released continue to dominate and rule our lives.
Whenever there is an external or internal stimuli that replicates facets of an original trauma, the recorded pattern is reinforced. Trauma whether historical or current become the references that shape our beliefs and behaviors.
Over the course of time we experience conditioned patterns of tension, habitual stress, chronic pain and persistent anxiety which are all expressions of already established patterns. When a pattern is stimulated, the person becomes reactive, compulsive and is in a disempowered cycle or a victim state. These traumas, experienced by violence, accident and work or sport related injuries are reflections and reinforcements of existing historical patterns.
Take a moment and answer these questions
- Are you caught in a time warp caused by a traumatic event(s) in your life?
- Are you free to move through time not hindered by your past?
- What emotional traumas are keeping you from a joyous life free from past grief and sorrow?
- What physical traumas are preventing you from leading an active life free from injury and pain?
Through BioSync, we have an opportunity to explore the ever expanding realm of possibilities and potential and to experience just what can happen when a painful injury, traumatic life event or self limiting pattern expressed in the body is resolved.
In a society that feels that all aches, pains and maladies have to be cured quickly, we need an authentic healing process. We need a true way of healing that is healthy, helpful and life enhancing. The BioSync Methods are that helping hand to facilitate true healing.