Shelley Martin

BioSync Consultant

Shelley Martin, BioSync® Consultant

I am a Diplomate in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. I have a MS degree and studied nursing.

My BioSync practice is multi dimensional. I see clients who have been dealing with chronic issues, clients with injuries and discomforts as well as clients who are dealing with stress both past and present. BioSync provides a way to release both physical and emotional trauma which manifests in the tissue and gut. I also have clients that want to optimize their present state and keep in better shape.

Being a passionate animal advocate I also do BioSync on many animals, predominately dogs. This has helped with arthritis, joint disfunction as well as behavioral issues.

I consider myself to be extremely lucky. Although Mark Lamm had been “working” on people for years, I met him at the beginning of “BioSync”. Watching the never ending evolution of this work, created an urge to be part of it. Since I have an extensive medical as well as a traditional Chinese medicine background, it is easy to see how chi and physiology work together to make remarkable change. I am blessed to have Mark as my teacher and friend.


My Blog Contributions …

"Red Bulls Eye"

Goals vs. Expectations by Shelley Martin
There is a big difference between Goals and Expectations. A goal is a process that is self initiated and self maintained in order to achieve a desired result. All expectations depend on external actions that we generally don’t have control over and the behavior of others. Expectations are a set up for disappointment and unfulfilled results. For example, have you found yourself saying: “I expected you to do this”; “I expected to win”; “I expected that you would get that for me”.
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Learning Tree


Working Together…

..Shelley Martin
..Atlantic Beach, NY

Note: The BioSync® methods are not involved in treatment or diagnosis of disease, nor does it substitute for medical treatment when such attention is needed, desired or required. BioSync consultants and practitioners do not treat, prescribe, or diagnose an illness or any other physical or mental disorder. Nothing said or done by a BioSync consultant or practitioner should be misconstrued to be such. While BioSync protocols may provide relief from physical or emotional symptoms, it is not intended to replace the advice or treatment of a licensed physician, psychiatrist, or psychologist.